The Joint Center for Single Cell Biology (JCSCB) is a research center jointly established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Radboud University Nijmegen of the Netherlands and Shandong Agricultural University. 

Single cell biology is a rapidly growing field that continues to provide new insights into plant and animal development, physiology and disease. An integral part of research in this field is the use of single-cell analysis technologies and approaches for high-throughput, high-resolution analysis of genetic, epigenetic, biochemical and metabolic properties of individual cells or cell-types from an organism or a specific tissue. The advent of single-cell analysis technologies and approaches represents a major turning point in biology and medicine, which has revolutionized and is revolutionizing both fundamental and applied biological and medical research.

In order to make breakthrough discoveries in animal and plant research and accelerate animal and plant cell biotechnology and breeding innovations, the three parties of the JCSCB will work closely to push the boundaries of single cell biology. A joint effort will be made to develop state-of-the-art single-cell analysis platforms and applications and to foster the growth of the next generation of single cell biologists.